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« One of the most disturbing trends in local TV news is the persistence of “pay for play”—when local TV newscasts allow sponsors to dictate content.

The Federal Communications Commission has proposed a rule that would make it easier for the public to see which stations are engaging in these and other deceptive or ethically dubious practices. The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), which represents local TV stations, has responded that this would be burdensome to local TV stations and would “provide no clear new benefit to the public.” They note that the new rule was based on the FCC’s Information Needs of Communities study, which was “strictly anecdotal, providing little to no evidence that ‘pay for play’ sponsorships in news, where advertisers are allow to dictate news scripts, are a systematic problem.”

I was the lead author of that report, so I naturally think the evidence was vast and persuasive…. »

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Lire et télécharger le rapport de la FCC

Source : [En ligne] Consulté le 12/01/2012

Sur ce sujet, le centre de documentation vous propose notamment :

Le placement de produit : jusqu’où les marques peuvent-elles intégrer les programmes ? (Eclairage) In : Régulation n°42 (octobre-novembre-décembre 2009) p.16-17   Lire

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