Neelie Kroes « Entertaining Europe in the Electronic Age European Parliament Intellectual Property Forum »

« [...] This year, we will be coming forward with a paper on Connected TV. It will consider how Europe can realise the opportunities – and of course, how it can meet challenges too. For example: can we preserve the integrity of broadcasting signals? How would competing but incompatible technical standards affect the viewer experience? How will our traditional rules on advertising, protection of minors and promotion of European works apply? We want to ask these questions, and make sure we are ready to let this market flourish.

We don’t have all the answers yet. But I want to find them out: and so we will be talking to stakeholders — users, producers and regulators — so that Europe can truly hook up to the Connected TV ecosystem [...]… »

Lire le discours en entier

Source : [En ligne] Consulté le 07/02/2012

Sur ce sujet, le centre de documentation vous propose notamment :

Jean-Charles Paracuellos, Pierre-Jean Benghozi et Pierre Gouyou Beauchamps : Télévision – L’ère du numérique (Paris, La Documentation française, 2011) – Etudes

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