Comments on the draft law on transparency, access to information and good gouvernance of Spain

« OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today welcomed Spain’s draft access to information law, and urged the authorities to consider her Office’s recommendations to ensure that the law is in line with OSCE commitments.

The draft Law on Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance was presented by the authorities on 26 March, initiating a public consultation that ended yesterday. Mijatović received the draft from the Government and commissioned its review, which has been made available to the authorities in Madrid…. »

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Source : / [En ligne] Consulté le 10/04/2012

Sur ce sujet, le centre de documentation vous propose notamment :

Emmanuel Derieux : Droit des médias – Droit français, européen et international (Paris, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 2010 – Coll. Manuel)

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