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Posts sous ‘Actualités’
The truth and distraction of U.S. cord cutting
« After decades of growth, the Pay TV ecosystem experienced its first quarterly net subscriber decline in the third quarter of 2010. » Source:
A first look at Nielsen’s total audience measurement and how it will change the industry rollout begins in December
« It’s been two years since Nielsen first began developing a tool to measure viewers across all platforms—not just TV watchers as it has for the last 65 years. Since then, however, the project has attained mythical status among many advertisers, buyers and network executives. « I’ll believe it when I see it, » more than one has told me [...]
The future of news is not an article
« In May of this year, Facebook announced Facebook Instant Articles, its foray into innovating the Facebook user experience around news reading. A month later… » Source :
Le programmatique au-delà de la publicité : dans un futur proche
« Est-ce que les technologies « programmatiques » utilisées en publicité pourraient automatiser et personnaliser la distribution de contenu culturel et éditorial ? » Source :