« Dans un rapport publié aujourd’hui, la Commission européenne analyse la manière dont les États membres mettent en œuvre les recommandations de l’UE dont l’objectif est que les enfants puissent profiter du monde numérique en toute confiance et en toute sécurité. Les États membres déploient de plus en plus d’efforts pour mettre en œuvre les recommandations [...]
Posts Tagués ‘agenda numérique’
Digital Agenda: Commission seeks information from eight Member States on implementation of Audiovisual Media Services Directive
“The European Commission has written to eight EU Member States (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxemburg) seeking information about their implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Directive. The Commission has asked the Member States to reply within 10 weeks. The fact-finding letters are part of the Commission’s efforts to ensure that [...]
Digital Agenda: fast progress needed to ensure sufficient spectrum allocation in the EU
« Representatives of the Hungarian and Polish Presidencies of the EU’s Council of Ministers, the European Commission and European Parliament, meeting in Brussels on 17 June, have agreed on talks to reach an agreement by the end of this year on an EU strategy for management of Europe’s radio spectrum, one of the most important legislative [...]
Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Where are we with the Digital Agenda? CEBIT 2011 Hannover, 1 March 2011
« (…) To conclude I would say that for the majority of our key performance indicators and concrete actions we are doing quite well. We are having the right conversations, and we are not shying away from the difficult issues. Like with any project, we have some delays and we must catch up. With your partnership [...]
Stratégie numérique: Mme Kroes demande à 21 pays de l’UE d’agir d’urgence pour permettre le déploiement des services mobiles par satellite
« Mme Neelie Kroes, vice-présidente de la Commission européenne chargée de la stratégie numérique, a demandé à 21 pays de l’UE de mettre en œuvre rapidement les mesures législatives nécessaires pour le déploiement paneuropéen des services mobiles par satellite qui pourront être utilisés pour l’internet à haut débit, la télévision mobile et les communications radio ou [...]
Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda : Hungary’s new media law (SPEECH 11/6 – European Parliament, Brussels 11 January 2011)
« As I wrote to the Hungarian authorities in my letter of 23 December, the recently adopted Hungarian Media Act raises specific concerns regarding its compliance with the EU Audiovisual and Media Services (AVMS) Directive and, more generally, regarding the respect for the fundamental media freedoms such as freedom of expression and media pluralism. (… » Source [...]